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The cold weather is here, but that doesn’t mean that you should forget about the outdoor parts of your house. Why not enjoy them to the full all year round?
Today we are talking about some tips and tricks that allow you to ensure optimum maintenance of your garden in winter. What should you take into account so that it doesn’t ‘get out of hand’?
If there is snow, remember to shake off any snow that has accumulated on the branches of your trees or plants, given that they could snap under the weight. Meanwhile, if there is frost on your lawn, you should not walk on it: wet it to melt the frost.
The ideal thing in winter is to water during those times of day when the temperatures are at their warmest, so that you avoid getting them wet as night approaches, which is when temperatures plummet: the water could freeze, which is bad for plants.
As well as protecting both ground and roots from low temperatures and possible frosts, this is also an interesting option for ‘decorating’ your garden: use the leaves or pine needles from your trees to cover the lower levels of your plants.
Did you know that this technique also helps to prevent weeds or the loss of water from the ground?
Perhaps the variety you have in your garden is resistant to low temperatures, but you should bear in mind that maybe the flowerpots in which they are planted are not. Wrap them in plastic, wicker, or cardboard, tied up with string, in order to prevent them from cracking and breaking (especially if they are ceramic or unbaked earthenware).
While it is true that winter is not the worst time of year for plagues, you must still watch out for fungi, which might appear if you over-water, and especially in those areas where it rains more. Make sure you don’t over-water if it rains a lot and use fungicide if necessary.
If you have the space and it appeals to you, consider having a small greenhouse to help protect those varieties that need it. As well as being a good option, it might become a truly relaxing hobby. How about it?
Did you know about these maintenance tips for gardens during the winter? Bear them in mind and enjoy this space all year round.